Saturday 8 October 2011

Esperence & Tony's 60th.......

After our walk to see the Hippo Yawn at Wave Rock we set off for Esperence (this will be our last relaxing part of our trip before we drive over the Nullabour & head home).      The weather looked threatening but luckily we didn't get much rain...... one stop at Ravensthorpe for lunch & we were on our way......Our CP is right on the beach in the bay of Esperence .....  
     After getting our bearings in town & stocking up on food & wine we stopped for a coffee at the Cafe behind me.....   it is right on the water & the views of the bay were fantastic.   We were also looking at Restaurants and Cafe's to see where we will celebrate Tony's 60th on Saturday.......
 As we haven't any friends here with us Tony was trying to round up a few people to help celebrate but I think this guy is busy!!!

The beaches near Esperence are quite spectacular and the 40 km Ocean View Drive is very similar to the Great Ocean Road.     We look a little ferrel here...... Tony's hair is quite long & not sure what happened this morning, but I forgot to finish my hair off!   I think it is nearly time we headed back to Adelaide.....

One of the many spectacular beaches along the Great Ocean Drive

Time to stop for a picnic lunch & soak up some sun..... the views were sensational here!!!
Too many stairs here to the beach!!!!

Tony looking over Salmon Beach ...... If you look carefully at this photo you will see the 2 people in the background..... the husband is sitting on the chair fishing and his wife is filletting the fish in her good clothes!!!!

This is Cape Le Grand Beach.....beautiful torquoise waters & beautiful sunny day.
   Even though Tony has been Kayaking quite a bit on our trip this is the first day he has surfed with it!!!!     He was a happy surfer!
After a few hours of kayaking we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the beach...... 
 there are camps here as well tucked into the sandhills for caravans & tents..... would be a good spot to camp !
 One of the beautiful bays along Cape Le Grand....
  Unfortunately towards the end of the day it started to become a little overcast so the blue water didn't show up in this photo at Lucky Bay.....  there are quite a few caravans and tents camped here for a small price ($9 head)     This is probably where we would have liked to camp but our days are running out now, so maybe next time. ....... 

TONY'S 60TH......
 Finally Tony turns "60" - this is where we managed to spend quite a few hours enjoying a great lunch & quite a few wines!! 
 One of the views we had from the Cafe where we had lunch!  Little overcast, but warm & no rain!!
 These are our only friends we could rally up for lunch.........

Here's Cheers to the birthday boy....  

What can I say.....As we didn't have any friends here to spend Tony's 60th with I decided to put a sign on the van "FREE ALCOHOL & SAUSAGE SIZZLE HERE TONIGHT" so we could have some friends here to help celebrate, but as no-one turned up we had to settle with a glass of wine & fresh oysters!!!
Well, hope everyone has enjoyed the Blog of our Northern Territory & Western Australia Trip.... this may be my last post (unles something interesting happens on our way home). We head across the Nullabour towards Black Point on Sunday & hope to be back by Thursday......


Wednesday 5 October 2011

Hyden - Wave Rock

After listening to 3 hours of solid rain during the night on the van in Cervantes our alarm went off at 6:30am ready for a long drive ahead.     We were lucky it had stopped raining by morning......  

Quick stop in York for lunch & then on our way again.   One interesting town we went through was Corrigin, known for "Man's Best Friend" the dog!   They have even established a Dog Cemetry with over 70 dogs buried there with a huge Dog Statue at the entrance.   All through the country they had "Dog's in the back of Ute's" displayed on their farm land - they were made out of old utes, cut outs and tin.  It was like a competition to see who could make the best!   

Hail, heavy rain & thunderstorms were predicted in the South West of WA which is where we were travelling so were prepared to stop earlier than planned if we had to.  The contrast of the beautiful yellow flowers looked incredible against the dark sky!  As it turned out we made it to Hyden (Wave Rock) by 4:30 and the sun was out!

Although we were quite tired from the long day, the sun was still out, so we quickly set up camp & headed over to Wave Rock.  Didn't want to leave it until morning incase it was raining!    The rock formation is incredible as are the colours.     That is me standing at the bottom to show how large the rock formation is!
Tony was trying to copy the kids running up the hill but it didn't quite turn out as planned!!!

In case the video above didn't turn out I have added this photo to show the beautiful colours of the rock in the sun.

A quick walk in the morning to the Hippo Yawn........before heading off to our next camp.

Some of the beautiful flowers we have been seeing all through WA but these were on our walking track back to camp

Our camp at Wave Rock CP was right in front of Wave Rock.... it would have been easy to spend a couple of days here and do some of the walks but we are now on a schedule to get home!

Next Camp..... Esperence! 

Sunday 2 October 2011


School holidays have now started so there are kids & people everywhere.........  

After saying goodbye to friends at Cliff Head North we slowly made our way down to Jurien Bay.    Would be a nice place to stay for a few days.    We hit the local bakery for a pie & sat with friends we had met at the previous camp (Trudy & Hugh from Tasmania).  A quick check of the local butcher and then off to Cervantes.

After setting up camp we had a quick drive around town to get our bearings and as there are only a handful of shops this didn't take long (Interesting though  Lyn's Licka Store sold alcohol, panadol, DVD's & lollies) & the only Cafe in town is in our Van Park!

Saturday was spent watching the Footy Finals & catching up on blogging (footy started at 11:30am here because of the time difference) and then we headed off to the Pinnacles.

     On first glance the Pinnacles make you feel like you have just stepped into a painting.     They are quite spectacular & we were amazed at how big & how many there were!   This is one tourist attraction they allow you to drive around......

Tony was happy - he found his large Pinnacle!!!!

The 4km journey around never ceased to amaze us...... 

We headed back to camp to meet up with friends, Trudy & Hugh & walked over to the Country Club for a Seafood Platter for 2 ($55).   Very nice..... lobster, oysters, scallops, prawns, fish & chips!!!

The weather was starting to change as you can see in the background so after a leisurely breakfast of Bacon & Eggs we had a stroll along the beach before the rain set in.

After our stroll I talked Tony into heading for the blue building in the background (Sea Shells Cafe) for coffee & scones with jam & cream.......Yum!!  Just behind the playground is our Caravan Park.  

I am writing this with the rain pouring outside so it will be an intesting morning packing up.... we head to Hyden (Wave Rock) for the night & have a 7 am start....... have to set the alarm!!!!...... not happy Jan! 

Friday 30 September 2011

Cliff Head North - Free Camp

We were quite happy to leave Greenough and head to our next camp.... Cliff Head North.    We did the "grey nomad" thing & stopped for our lunch in a beautiful bay in Dongarra & headed to the lookout!

The 3 vans stopped at the Lookout in Dongarra.  The Wilkins, The Kratz & Smail's!

Sue, Patty & Kathie at the lookout in Dongarra

One interesting stop we had was to see 4 Dingo's...   Much to my horror we went in an enclosure similar to the one this picture & had to stand in a line & let the dingo's sniff us!!     I think one liked the taste of my melting moment biscuit I had just had for morning tea........ However the dingo's in this picture were howling so Patty & I decided to stay on the other side of the fence while the others went in!
This is our camp at Cliff Head North which was right on the beach again.....we were sheltered from the afternoon sea breezes by the cliffs in the background and as you can see the weather has now got warmer again.....

 However, we did have some visitors during the night.... these wild goats came down to our camp and went through Kathie's rubbish bin.    Patty & Kel stayed in this camp on their way up from Bussleton & while they were camped here, someone fired a shot over their van & shot one of the goats on the hill, it fell down the cliff behind their van,  it was hung it up in a tree & carved it up into chops.    Patty declined the chops when they were offered to her!!
Our fabulous camp oven roast..... beef & pork in the camp ovens & potatoes in alfoil behind the ovens!!!  We had a great camp meal together which will be our last for awhile as we are all heading in different directions in the morning!!

I know this photo is dark but if you look closely under the chair you will see coals from the fire.     We were told if you put coals under your chair it warms the rest of your body.... & true to their word it is amazing!!!  

The van finally gets its first clean since leaving Adelaide.    Because water is precious up here no parks will allow you to clean your car or van, but Tony used the last of our water in our tanks in the van to wash it at Cliff Head.    It feels like we are in a new van again!  Yeh!!!! & I don't get dirty clothes everytime I lean on the van!
The Spangled Emperors part ways at Cliff Head North & say goodbye!!!

There were a few tears here as we said our goodbyes.....  we have been travelling together for 1 month now & shared many experiences & stories together ..... my shark ring will remind me of the fun times we have had together.   We will miss their company but we're sure we will see each other again & definitely keep in contact!

 "38 OVER & OUT!!!!"


Not a lot of driving today so took our time and did a few touristy things on the way......

This is the "pink" lake at Port Gregory - not many people live in this town but the Lake was worth a stop!                                                                        We drove on to Northampton for a look & ended up staying for scones, jam & cream & coffee.  We wouldn't normally indulge in this sort of morning tea on our own but it was very nice & could get use to it very easily!    The country butcher was great here as well!

We stayed in a small village near Geraldton called Greenough at the Rivermouth CP, right on the river (recommended), but when we got there it looked quite run down & quite a few permanents,  but the BBQ area was new & camp kitchen wasn't too bad either.   We all set up camp and for the first time on our trip suffered the colder weather.    So with our warmer jackets, scarves and beanies we headed over to the camp kitchen for happy hour.

 The next day we strolled through Geraldton (not heaps of shopping done here as we had the guys with us) but found a great fish & chip shop (Sail In) for lunch over looking the beautiful bay.   The guys are standing in front of the "Yellow Submarine" right in front of where we had lunch!

I am on the right & the bronzed lady on the left is waiting for her husband or boyfriend to come home on the HMAS Sydney which was sunk by a German ship (in disguise) off the coast of Geraldton.   The dome in the background is made of 645 seagulls representing each person who lost their life.   This was erected before they located the wreck.   They are now extending this memorial to include a water feature.    On the step are 644 seagulls with one solitary seagull in the middle facing where the ship went down also representing the 645 people who lost their life.   It was quite a moving memorial!!

After a long day in Geraldton we headed over to the BBQ area for Happy Hour and Sausage Sizzle.    As you can see we are quite rugged up for the cold and standing around the BBQ to keep warm!      Kel, John, Tony, Patty, Kathie & me!

Finally our dinner is ready & as it wasn't raining through the shade cloth overhead and the wind had dropped we manaaged to stay for a few wines afterwards.

Not sure we would recommend or come back to Greenough, but we did have a good time with friends we are travelling with.     The next morning we headed for a free camp - Cliff Head North near Dongarra.  

Kalbarri Part 2 - Quad Bikes

One of the highlights of Kalbarri was our Quad Bike Tour at Wageo Beach.

After brief instructions on how to drive our quad bikes we travelled a short distance from the Homestead through gentle dunes and onto the beach.   After the initial nervousness & getting used to the bikes we all began to enjoy the ride (incase you don't recognise who is on the bike..... it is me!!!)

We are looking a little more confident here.... Patty & Kel, Sue & Tony & John & Kathie.

We headed South  along the beach taking in the spectacular views, then it was off the beach & back into the rolling dunes, following each other up a razor-back dune overlooking a steep drop to dense bush vegetation in front of the beach.

After 2 hours of driving along the beach & sand dunes it was time for our morning tea break.   We headed back north along the beach and stopped by a lagoon on the beach for homemade sandwiches, cakes, tea & coffee.     Very nice........

I am not sure what was in the cakes as Tony started planking.........

John thought he was on a side car.........

As did Kel...........................
I did it...... our tour guide found a safe part of the beach for the girls to have a go driving as we were a little nervous!!!     Once I went a few kms I felt quite confident, but still would have been worried in the dunes driving in the soft sand.

We headed 3 km North along the beach to more challenging tall dunes.   It was definitely the pinnacle of the afternoon & after the gradual increase in challenges it was a thrill to ride up the last steep dune & reach the top to see the spectacular views.    Kathie, Patty & I standing on the edge of the large dune we had just ridden up!
Whatever was in the cakes for morning tea hasn't  quite worn off yet  & they were our drivers!!
We drove along the whole bay in the background of this photo and through the sand dunes....... We had an absolute ball & felt quite energised after 4 hours of riding the Quads!!!!
Next Venture.... Geraldton