Wednesday 5 October 2011

Hyden - Wave Rock

After listening to 3 hours of solid rain during the night on the van in Cervantes our alarm went off at 6:30am ready for a long drive ahead.     We were lucky it had stopped raining by morning......  

Quick stop in York for lunch & then on our way again.   One interesting town we went through was Corrigin, known for "Man's Best Friend" the dog!   They have even established a Dog Cemetry with over 70 dogs buried there with a huge Dog Statue at the entrance.   All through the country they had "Dog's in the back of Ute's" displayed on their farm land - they were made out of old utes, cut outs and tin.  It was like a competition to see who could make the best!   

Hail, heavy rain & thunderstorms were predicted in the South West of WA which is where we were travelling so were prepared to stop earlier than planned if we had to.  The contrast of the beautiful yellow flowers looked incredible against the dark sky!  As it turned out we made it to Hyden (Wave Rock) by 4:30 and the sun was out!

Although we were quite tired from the long day, the sun was still out, so we quickly set up camp & headed over to Wave Rock.  Didn't want to leave it until morning incase it was raining!    The rock formation is incredible as are the colours.     That is me standing at the bottom to show how large the rock formation is!
Tony was trying to copy the kids running up the hill but it didn't quite turn out as planned!!!

In case the video above didn't turn out I have added this photo to show the beautiful colours of the rock in the sun.

A quick walk in the morning to the Hippo Yawn........before heading off to our next camp.

Some of the beautiful flowers we have been seeing all through WA but these were on our walking track back to camp

Our camp at Wave Rock CP was right in front of Wave Rock.... it would have been easy to spend a couple of days here and do some of the walks but we are now on a schedule to get home!

Next Camp..... Esperence! 

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