Friday 16 September 2011

Coral Bay

It is Thursday Night, 15th September & quite late as I am trying to catch up on blogging again!    We are in Carnarvan for 2 nights only.    Tony is having the car serviced here  & we need to stock up on fresh vegies..... 

After our last windy, dusty day at Osprey Camp at Cape Range National Park we were glad to get to Coral Bay & looked forward to a long shower, power, internet and water again.   Our camp in the Caravan Park was quite good, but we still couldn't hook up to water.   Most of the water from Exmouth down to Carnarvan is salty bore water, so we were unable to use the water again..... they do supply some drinking water though!   The amentity showers we were told were like having a shower in the ocean so had to be careful how much water we used from the van.....the van & car are still dirty with red dust because we can't use the salty water to wash it!

This is the main street of Coral Bay..... as you can see not much here, however, Tony & I both managed to put a little money back into the town.   I found some great jewellery and Tony managed to buy some bathers & T Shirts & when you haven't seen fresh bread for awhile a Bakery is always a welcome sight.    This is how we went to the beach for a kayak and swim.    We put everything in the kayak....... chairs to sit on, book to read, drinks etc and wheeled it down there!   There is no need to take your car anywhere as everything is within walking distance!

Tony is showing you his new bathers he purchased in Coral Bay (not intentional but they match the kayak) and this is the lovely beach we swam and kayaked in.  

The water was very clear and calm here, although we had to swim with a lot of small stingrays and spangled emperors (large fish) swimming around us but no-one seemed to mind (except me of course)   Even small children were in the water swimming.    They didn't seem to bother anyone though so managed  to have a swim while I kept looking around me !!!! 

We only had 2 nights at Coral Bay to catch up on washing, internet  & to fill our water tanks in the van again (you could get drinking water from some taps in the park, so we cheated a little again!!!) & have power for a while as we were keen to move on to Warroora Sheep Station - no power or water again!

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